
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Customer,

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) has reclaimed idle Always Free compute resources from Always Free customers by stopping the compute instance(s). Reclaiming idle resources allows OCI to efficiently provide services to Always Free customers. Your account had one or more idle compute instances that have been stopped. You can restart your compute instance as long as the associated compute shape is available in your region. Your Boot and Block Volumes remain unchanged and available to you. In the future, you can keep idle compute instances from being stopped by converting your account to Pay As You Go (PAYG). With PAYG, you will not be charged as long as your usage for all OCI resources remains within the Always Free limits.



2.处理器闲置率:在本周期内也就是七天内的 95% 的时间,CPU使用率都低于10% 则服务器可能会被回收。
4.内存利用率:此条仅适用于A1型也就是ARM机器 , 在本周期内内存利用率低于 10% 也被视作是闲置机器。


I understand that this had to be introduced but it could have been done much better, with proper information upfront, not via email with blackmail to upgrade account otherwise my VM will be shut down. Now I don't want to upgrade because on paid account Oracle might do some other similar "trick" with changing what's free and what's not but in this case I will know when my credit card will be charged...
Also it's not clearly written if all the conditions needs to be met to consider the instance as idle. F.e. if I have average CPU utilization of 25% but network is less than 1% busy - is my instance idle or not?
Last but not least - this should be clearly visible in cloud console which instance is currently considered idle.


I now have the confirmation from the Product Management that all mentioned conditions must be true during the 7-day period in order for the reclamation action to kick in. So, if only one condition is true - no reclamation should be triggered. They will be amending the language to be more clear in the future. I thank you for your feedback and helping us improve

